Volunteer Hours Report Form Date Worked Please use this format: 06/25/18 Trail Section 0-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 8th SE - 12th SE Civic Center Corridor Butterfly Gardens - NE Quadrant Butterfly Gardens - SE Quadrant Butterfly Gardens - SW Quadrant Butterfly Gardens - NW Quadrant Butterfly Gardens - All 4 Quadrants Other You may select more than one section. Number of Volunteers How many people helped today? Work Accomplished Pickup and remove all trash and debris Trim and/or remove limbs Mow Weed eat Weeded Mulch Watered Treat for Pests or Weeds Border/Walkway/Bench Maintenance Transplant/Plant Plant Identification Photography Reports Planning Meeting Placed Signage Monument or Sign Maintenance Clean creek banks of debris Ensure culverts are not blocked and free of debris Clean debris etc. from under bridges Remove grafitti Other You may select more than one. Combine Hours Worked Combine the hours of everyone who helped. Name or Nickname Name or person or organization responsible for work done. Email Address An email address where we can reach you.