Join the Friends of the Trail, a group of folks committed to enhancing the Trail and developing future extensions. There is a place for everyone with the Friends of the Trail. Please contact us to add your name to the growing number of individuals getting involved!
Friends’ activities include:
Butterfly/hummingbird garden maintenance
Trail and access area maintenance
Efforts to extend Trail eastward & westward
Partner with PISD & Safe Routes to School
Bike Rodeo at Kids Safe Saturday and much more!
CONTACT: Friends of the Trail at [email protected]
I would like to express my appreciation to the Friends of the Trail and all the volunteers that took time out of their schedule to help clean up the Trail de Paris. It’s great to have a support group and friends in the community that will lend a helping hand to ensure that all users of the Trail have a safe, enjoyable, and memorable experience while using our wonderful trail. Once again thank you all for what you do.
Bill Loranger
City of Paris
Park’s & R.O.W Dept.